Business Structure:
We work with clients prior to the start of their businesses, to determine the most appropriate business structure for their circumstances. Common structures include companies, trusts, partnerships, sole traderships or any combination of these.
Business Planning:
Most businesses can benefit from thorough business planning. This could require a business plan, a marketing plan, budgets, cash-flow forecasts etc.
All but the smallest of businesses should prepare a budget each year. This ensures that financial performance can be accurately monitored on an ongoing basis.
Financial Reporting:
We prepare financial statements for business clients at least annually. These are useful for:-
- the owners, to help them understand the financial performance of their business, and calculate their tax liabilities,
- the Inland Revenue Department to check that the various tax laws are being complied with,
- banks and other financial institutions if funding is required,
- prospective purchasers of a business when the time comes to sell or retire.
Taxation Compliance:
Business owners can find that they’re required to deal with a multitude of taxes. These can include:
- Income Tax
- Kiwisaver
- Imputation
- “Working for Families”
- ACC Levies & Others
Tax law is complicated and changes frequently. Our experienced Chartered Accountants know which taxes apply and when, and can advise in all tax areas. And you can be confident that we keep up with the changes.
Statutory Compliance:
Business owners must comply with New Zealand’s complex statutory and regulatory environment. We can help to ensure compliance, and where necessary, we work alongside our clients’ lawyers, valuers, investment advisers, brokers and bank managers.